A couple of unrelated sources have made it come to my attention recently that I have lurkers on my MySpace profile, several from other states and time zones. I would like to think they just love my music, css/html skills (or lack thereof), blog posts, and pictures that much. But that’s not the case. They think that I am engaging in some sort of romance with certain luminaries. And it’s not true. I guess they are looking for hidden clues that aren’t there. Are they reading the comments we make? Because I can tell you they aren’t the least bit sexual in nature.
When you have a profile on sites like MySpace, whether public or private (because there are ways around this), you have to know there is the risk that this will happen. So I’m not bothered by this. I find it more amusing than anything because I am pretty boring. Well, I think I am somewhat interesting by my own standards but based on what I’m guessing these people’s tastes are, I doubt they would think so if they knew me.