Hello, everyone. www.cherryteresa.com has a new look and design. I know I’ve neglected it for a while and haven’t posted much in my blog, but I plan to change that.
The main change for some of you reading this is that my blog is now self-hosted using the WordPress.org platform. I considered using WordPress for a while, but was really hesitant due to the fact that I love my livejournal friends and communities. I’ve been using the lj platform since 2002 (through deadjournal, originally) and have spent a lot of time customizing my page. It has been a great way for me to keep up with my friends and I’ve been able to really learn more about you on lj than on facebook, twitter, myspace, friendster, or any other current or past ‘social networking’ site. And there are some of you I met because of lj that I may not have ever known otherwise.
But after the company was bought out, it just hasn’t been the blogging leader it once was. It’s not like lj sucks, but I did some research and decided that changing it to the WordPress platform was right for me. Part of the reason I haven’t posted much on lj lately is because of the lack of certain options and features.
I’m friends with most of you on other sites, so I don’t think that we will lose touch. Because there are a few of you who do not have facebook or twitter, I will keep my lj account open and use a plug-in that automatically posts my blogs to http://cherry-teresa.livejournal.com. It will link you to the original post, so that you can comment. I will also keep it open because I want to continue reading your posts and occasionally post to communities. I still haven’t found another blogging site with as strong of a community as I have on lj. And besides, I’m just not ready to give up on livejournal completely just yet.
If you subscribe to my blog or updates through my mailing list, I’m sorry for the duplicate emails over the past few days. It shouldn’t happen anymore and it was from importing the journal to the new platform.
Oh, and one more thing – My site now adapts if you are viewing it from a cell phone, so it’ll make for easier reading if you aren’t on a computer.